Lion’s Mane Mushroom Growing Kit


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Lion’s Mane is one of the most popular mushrooms to grow at home. Renowned for its remarkable medicinal properties, it is often hailed as a “natural nootropic” for its cognitive-enhancing effects. This strain is exceptionally reliable, consistently delivering impressive yields. However, it’s important to exercise caution and avoid letting the “hairs” grow excessively long, despite their visually appealing appearance. While it may look super cool, prolonged growth negatively impacts both the flavour and shelf life of the mushrooms. To fully savour the Lion’s Mane experience, we highly recommend trying our Lion’s Mane ‘Crab Cakes’ preparation method, which promises to elevate your culinary delight.

Kit includes:

  • Myceliated substrate block
  • Humidity tent
  • Spray bottle
  • Detailed instructions

Flavor & Texture: Clean, Earthy, Meaty, Mild

Instruction Sheet for Mushroom Kits


Weight 6.3 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 6.5 in
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