Calypso Pellet 1 oz (US)


Availability: In stock

12-14% Alpha Acids • Domestic • Finishing Hop

Calypso is a Yakima Valley bred, dual-purpose diploid hop with Hopsteiner lineage on both sides. Despite its aroma-focused origins, it boasts a high alpha acid percentage. In addition to this, Calypso features crisp, fruity aromas and flavors that exhibit elements of apple, pear and stone fruit brightened with hints of lime citrus. It is complex with an almost understated earthy, tea-like note. It works surprisingly well in dark malty ales.

Used For: Stouts, Ales, Barleywines, IPAs

Aroma: Crisp, fruity aroma. Flavour of Apples, pears, stone fruit and lime citrus.

Weight 0.0625 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 0.5 in
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