What’s New Wednesday 8/26/2015

We tried to wait until at least September to put out all of our Oktoberfests, harvest ales, pumpkin beers and ciders. We really did. But we ran out of space to store it all in the basement. So stop by our Pumpkin Island and Oktoberfest Fridge!


Allagash Golden Brett

Ballast Point Dead Ringer Oktoberfest

Ballast Pumpkin Down Scottish Pumpkin Ale

Cricket Hill Pumpkin Ale

Defiant Headless Horseman Pumpkin Ale

DuClaw 31 Pumpkin Spiced Lager

DuClaw Mad Bishop Marzen

Epic Fermention without Representation Imperial Pumpkin Porter

Rogue Captain Sig’s Northwestern Amber Ale

Stegmaier Grand Hoppa DIPA

Stegmaier Pumpkin Ale

Terrapin/Cigar City Collaboration Vapricot Apricot Ginger Imperial IPA


Not Beer:

Doc’s Pumpkin Cider



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