WLP023 Burton Ale (PurePitch Next Generation)


Availability: In stock

From the famous brewing town of Burton upon Trent, England, this yeast is packed with character. It provides delicious subtle fruity flavors like apple, clover honey and pear. Great for all English styles, IPA’s, bitters, and pales. Excellent in porters and stouts.

PurePitch® Next Generation combines the ease of a bottle and the innovation of PurePitch®, offering a modular pouch with a cap and a consistent cell concentration intended to pitch at 7.5 million cells/ mL; a commercially recommended pitching rate to ensure a foolproof fermentation.

Attenuation: 69.00-75.00
Flocculation: Medium
Alcohol Tolerance: Medium (5 – 10%)
Optimum Fermentation Temperature: 68.00-73.00

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