Did you know that the Jersey City Brew Club has been around for much longer than our shop has? The club is a social club centered around homemade beer, wine, cider, mead, and more. Members meet up the third Wednesday of each month at Jersey City bars to discuss homebrew news, events, and to plan brewery bus trips, walking tours, and group brews. We’ve also been doing a monthly Brewer’s Duel with randomly selected brewers and randomly selected ingredients or styles. This month the duel is for strawberry beers, and next month is Belgian Quads. Previous months have seen maple syrup, ESBs, and even lobster beers!
If you have any homebrews, bring a couple bottles to share and get feedback. If you don’t have anything to share, come along anyway, it’s a friendly group and we’re always looking to meet new people interested in zymurgy!
Next Meeting
Wednesday, May 17th, 2017 at 7:45PM
Upstairs at Brightside Tavern
For the most up to date meeting info, check the club website!